3 Simple Actions to Make a Better “First Impression” with Your New Patient

“You never get a second chance to make a great first impression”

“First Impressions Never Die”

We’ve all heard them and the phrases are, for the most part, absolutely true. To overcome a bad first impression means scaling untold heights, going to extremes to “win back” someone’s trust and reclaim that good vibe. Can you say “exhausting” ? It makes more sense, then, to simply do it correctly right out of the gate, doesn’t it?

Here are THREE SIMPLE steps to implement tasks that will go a long way towards making your new patient not only feel welcome, but appreciated, in your dental practice:

1) As soon as a new patient schedules, send them a welcome email. Your subject line should be stellar and grab their attention- positive and upbeat. Emails that are attractive, concise, intelligent and demonstrate personality will create a “halo effect”and show you care. This should be done separately from any email request for forms to be filled out.

2) After the New Patient has arrived and checked in, someone from the “back of the house” – assistant, hygienist or even the dentist- MUST come into the waiting area simply to say hello and exchange a few pleasantries. While only taking a few moments to do, it goes a long way towards making the patient feel welcome. If they are a particularly anxious person, it also helps to break up those scary, pre-clinical jitters that they may be experiencing.

3) When possible, once the patient is seated, have a clinical (or front office) staff member who is NOT scheduled with the patient “pop in” to the treatment area to simply say “Hello! I heard you were coming in today and I wanted to introduce myself”. There are often small breaks between x-rays or waiting for the doctor to finish in another room when the new patient may be available – utilize those moments to continue that good first impression.

At your next morning huddle or staff meeting, discuss ways to implement these simple changes – and then act upon them. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at the perception it creates, and like ALL good internal marketing, will facilitate good-will, and ultimately, future referrals.

Ascendant Dental Development is built on the solid foundation of positive communication, both in the workplace and personal space.  Working with dental practices and staff, we bring a new twist on consultancy, focus primarily on the team-building, communication skills, case presentation technique and internal/community outreach marketing.  We offer in-office workshops ranging from half to multiple days, provide support and training in your organic marketing efforts and can coach you to an increased case acceptance level with your patients utilizing ONLY ethical means.  Can we do more?  Sure!  But let’s start where it matters most..Hello, nice to meet you, let’s take a few moments to discuss your needs.

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