Disengaged Employees Are Costing You A Fortune: Hello, Doctor, It’s Not Just a “Corporate America” Thing

Companies across America spend untold hours and dollars trying to increase the engagement of employees in corporations mostly, as Bob Nelson PhD states, because it “has become the holy grail in the management of Human Resources”. The Gallup Organization has estimated that disengagement of employees cost the United States over $450 billion dollars annually.

Employee engagement is defined as having a greater desire to work harder, to be more productive and to be more responsible in completing work to the best of their ability. Among other things, engaged employees:

  • Increase profitability
  • Increase productivity
  • Increase flexibility
  • Increase employee longevity
  • Increase attracting better talent
  • Experience an increase in trust

So if corporate America finds value in employee engagement, and now small business owners, wouldn’t it make sense that a healthcare provider should, as well?

The Face of a Disengaged Worker

Wondering what a disengaged worker presents as? Do a differential diagnosis, doctor. Take a look at these traits, and then think about your current employees. If you can identify any ONE of these in them, they are well on their way to being disengaged. What’s worse? They rub off on coworkers, like a virus. And beware- if a new employee joins the team, disengaged employees are known to “work in cells”, much like terrorists, looking to recruit others into the fold.

    Excuse-makers: there’s always a reason why, and it typically has little to do with them, or the actual facts;
    Low-to-no initiative: rarely will they take it upon themselves to look for things to do, they’d rather sit back and wait for someone to direct them;
    Gossipy: these individuals are usually the first to spread office gossip, and fan the flames of others by further sensationalizing things;
    Chronic complainers: nothing is ever right or good enough for this type of employee;
    Low enthusiasm: we’re not talking a level-headed person here but a true Debbie Downer when it comes to being at work, in general;
    Always Right: this employee rarely sees another’s point of view, battling often to win by being right;
    Questions- None: any employee that doesn’t have an inquisitive bone in their body has little desire to either learn something new or to invest in themselves at work. They simply do enough to “get by”;
    Lying: rather than being forthright, they will lie to cover up their mistakes or they will also lie to make up stories;
    Loners: these employees would rather work on their own, whether it’s to avoid interaction with a coworker or a boss;
    Ball-droppers: irresponsibility is at hand here with a lack of attention to detail, little follow-through and broken promises…oh, and often, they’re the ones chronically coming in late.

Where to Begin: Create a Culture of Engagement

John Burroughs, President and CEO of the Burroughs Healthcare Consulting Network stated:

If you treat an employee like a commodity, they will act like one…if you treat an employee like an owner..they will become a business partner who will help your organization succeed because it is in their self-interest to do so.

Little is more detrimental to a business than an employee who works with a sense of entitlement, producing enough to “get by and get paid”.
Several key areas Bob Nelson identified in his research that contribute to employee engagement are:

    Career Development
    Immediate Manager
    Strategy and Mission
    Job Content
    Senior Management’s Relationship with Employees
    Open and Effective Communication
    Coworker Satisfaction and Cooperation
    Resource Availability
    Organizational Culture

If we look closely at these ten items, it’s easy to see that many are somewhat easy to implement: provide regular recognition for a task well done: empirical evidence shows employees prefer a quick “great job there!”, in the moment. It immediately raises their engagement and they will seek to have your approval more often. Give them a chance to expand their skills and responsibilities by allowing them the opportunity to take point on something of interest and investing in them by teaching them (or sending them to learn) a new skill. Provide them with all of the resources they need to be successful in their position: leaders remove roadblocks to increase performance. If, as a manager, you know that some of the tasks, important though they may be, are mundane, allow the worker the opportunity to cross train and job share.

When it comes to communication, culture and coworker satisfaction, you might find a need to bring in outside help to get the ball rolling in the right direction. An in-office or off-site event that is planned to re-engage a team is a great place to begin. When paired with the investment you make in yourself as a leader (this usually begins beforehand), you will see a shift almost immediately.

Invest in Humanity

Ok, this sounds “big”, but at stake here are your stakeholders– your employees. They are the inner workings that make your practice run -why shouldn’t it be at a high level? That $450 billion in lost revenue from disengaged employees isn’t just a “corporate America” problem, it’s YOURS, as well.

Why not try and recoup some before it is too late?

Until next time,

Peace, Joy and Success!

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Our Launch Program has been specifically designed to get you leading and your team communicating in a way to better help you all avoid unnecessary conflict, to teach you the skills necessary to effectively create a wonderful culture. Check out the link, and call or email for more information.

Ascendant Dental Development LLC is built on the solid foundation of positive communication, both in the workplace and personal space. As a certified coaching resource with over 30 years in the dental field, we bring a new twist to dental practices and staff, focus primarily on leadership, team-development, communication skills, and workplace culture. We offer in-office workshops, individual coaching and also provide lectures to larger groups. We are proud members of many organizations including the Academy of Management, the Institute of Coaching, the Via Institute and others. We are currently filling our schedule for 2019-20 and encourage you to call us Toll Free to learn more

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